
First of all, I'm not a crazy cat lady, I'm a Priestess of Bast. My acolytes are Lilah, slim and svelte with the tinsel boa, and Onyx, AKA Nyx, big, black, beautiful and a bit of a clutz, and my tuxedo boy, Ulysses. I also foster kittens for a local rescue, Belle Vie.
My given name's Christine, but I've adopted Christiana as my pen name to differentiate me from another writer. I chose the name in homage to an ancestress, and because it's close to my own.
Home is the beautiful south-eastern Queensland city of Toowoomba, on the edge of the Great Divide. Below is a photo of my mountains, and another of roses from my garden. I enjoy gardening, too, living in the Garden City.
Over the years I've attended various writing workshops at the Queensland Writer's Centre and the University of Southern Queensland, and once won second prize in a sci-fi/fantasy writing competition.
All forms of creative art are important to me. In a previous life I had a job as an Arts Administrator running vacation art schools, so I've worked in the (seriously underfunded and undervalued) Arts sector for many years. I love painting and drawing, too, especially working in charcoal and pastel, although lately I've begun venturing into acrylics. I have visions of putting together some character art one day, but so far haven't found time. Hopefully, one day that will change.